We need your help sending 50 youth to Kids Across America summer camp.

Our mission at Kids Across America is to help urban youth and their mentors become leaders by encouraging, equipping, and empowering them through camping and education.

We need your help sending 50 youth to Kids Across America summer camp.  image




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Our mission at Kids Across America is to help urban youth and their mentors become leaders by encouraging, equipping, and empowering them through camping and education.

We are fundraising money to send inner-city students to summer camp.

In 2021, WHOH Detroit took 45 students to Kids Across America. In 2022, we took 96 students to Kids Across America with 35 of them giving their live to christ for the first time.

What is Kids Across America?

At Kids Across America, it is their mission is to build christian leaders by encouraging, equipping, and empowering urban youth and their mentors through camping and education. At camp, youth can participate in activities such as:

  • Golf
  • Mountain biking
  • Swimming
  • Basketball
  • Water tubing
  • Baseball
  • Cheer
  • Diving
  • Dance
  • Poetry
  • Weight lifting
  • Football
  • Zip lining

KAA 1-2 (10-15)

KAA2 offers more than 20 intense, athletic, and recreational activities. From water tubing on the lake, archery and recording original music at the G.H.O.P. recording studio (short for God Honors Our Praise). Campers create lasting memories and learn the importance of building a firm, Christian foundation at KAA 2. Our outstanding collegiate staff ensures that God’s word is emphasized at every turn, and KAA 2 campers leave encouraged, equipped, and empowered.

KAA3 (16-18)

KAA 3 boasts spectacular high adventure activities where campers supercharge their thrill meter and sharpen their sports skills in concentrated specialty sports like football, basketball, mountain biking, volleyball & and many others. As well as water tubing on the lake, archery, and recording original music at the G.H.O.P. recording studio (short for God Honors Our Praise). KAA 3 offers a foundational training ground for spiritual growth, as well as Covenant Family training—what God’s intended model of a family looks and functions like. The purpose is to build a solid foundation in each young believer's faith, while also imparting the truth of the Gospel to those who have not been introduced to the Savior.

Higher Ground (HG) is a Christian Leadership Camp designed to build and equip high school students, ages 14-19, with their primary focus on disciple-making and servant-leadership development in four areas: Character, Vision/Passion, Skills, and Knowledge, all through a biblical framework and perspective.

The Kaleo (Adult Leader)- The Kaleo ministry is designed as a camp within a camp, operating most of the time on a separate schedule apart from the campers' activities. Kaleos enjoy many of the same exciting opportunities and entertaining programs as the campers but spend most of their time with other Kaleos participating in a variety of scheduled camp activities. This schedule includes men's and women's Bible studies, seminars and urban training, boating, swimming, high elements, evening programs, and plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful Ozarks at our 240-acre facility. The uniqueness of the Kaleo ministry is the opportunity for fellow urban youth workers and volunteers from across the country to come together, be trained, fellowship, relax, exchange ideas, play, and build lifelong friendships. All shared in an environment centered around encouraging, equipping, and empowering them to carry on their vital work of impacting our nation's cities for Jesus Christ.